November 10th: Cry Havoc! at the New York Historical Society with PACH Member Stephan Wolfert
Fri, November 10th, 2017 | 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Pay-as-you-wish Friday Night
Reserve your ticket here.
7–8 pm: Stephan Wolfert recounts his own experiences of military service, weaving his personal narrative with lines from some of Shakespeare’s most famous speeches. Wolfert proposes that the military recruits citizens and trains them to kill, but asks what does the “de-cruit” process look like? How do civilians and veterans re-learn to live together?
8–9 pm: Stephan Wolfert joins five veterans from the conflicts in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan to discuss challenges they faced returning from battle and how they have dealt with them.
9–10 pm: Stephan Wolfert and the veterans on the panel will meet and greet audience members after the performance.
RSVP for Public Programs not required but strongly recommended. Space is limited; those without RSVPs cannot be guaranteed a seat. To RSVP, contact the Call Center at 212-485-9268 or